The Samaritan Woman

John 4: 1-28

I awoke last night thinking about the Samaritan woman who met with Jesus at the well. She had an appointment with the messiah the savior of the world. The Samaritan woman was a member of a hated mix race. She was known to be living in sin. Jesus did not come to condemn her but to offer her a way to a new beginning. In the mist of her circumstances he showed up. 

The conversation between this woman and Jesus was amazing. Jesus asks her for a drink of water and her response was “ you have nothing to draw the water with “ Jesus response was “ if you only knew the gift of God and who it is that ask you for a drink “ 

See the gift was standing right in front of her.  Jesus was offering himself. Maybe the Samaritan woman didn’t know that to receive this living water you don’t need a cup to draw it because Jesus is the cup that overflows the waters to those who are thirsty. Jesus is the cup. 

Psalm 42: 1 , Isaiah 51:1 , Jeremiah 2: 13 , 17:13 , Zechariah 13:1

The Samaritan woman had a water pot . That water pot could not hold no water because it was broken. So when she would pour water into her water pot the water would never be enough to quench her thirst , but in this story there was an exchange. 

Jesus said give me some of your water and exchange I’ll give you a fountain of living water that you shall never thirst again. The Samaritan woman was opened to receive this water and said to Jesus “ give me this water “  and then the conversation shifts to then him telling her everything about her. He begins to witness to her as he then reveals himself to her. He begins to tell her “ I am he  the living water “  the Messiah  , the Christ . 

The Samaritan woman received the living water and left her water pot. She quickly left and began to witness about Jesus to everyone. Historically the Samaritan woman was the first Christian Evangelist woman to go preach Jesus to everyone that would hear her. She was the first who went out of her way by her own initiative to tell how Jesus changed her life and forgave her sins. 

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