Spirit of Divination

Acts 16:16-18

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

The Greek word for divination is a “ python spirit “ 

Paul spoke to this spirit and charged it out in the name of Jesus Christ . The Bible says that that spirit came out that very hour.  We also read that Paul was grieved . This spirit was causing him great distress. 

Defeat and failure

Sense of suffocation 

Sense of powerlessness 

Sense of limitations and hopelessness 

Fatigue lack of motivation 

This spirit posses a person and through that person the spirit speaks.  The spirit of divination is a snake that attacks the people of God. 

This spirit is associated with the spirit of witchcraft and witchcraft is the sin of rebellion 

1 Samuel 15:23 KJV

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, He hath also rejected thee from being king

Rebellion is an attitude displayed to contradict authority. Rebellion is disobedience to God. It is stubbornness and idolatry. This spirit comes to through those who call themselves servants of the lord to bring us religious grievance. These kind of fake Christians only bring grief, uneasiness, oppression and injuries . 

When this happens the believer begins to feel like quitting or walking away from God due to the hurt of the injuries. This spirit attacks Gods people by squeezing the life out of them leaving them breathless. When this happens we become tired and exhausted. These spirit works through religious leadership to whip Gods people into a frenzy or to demoralize them. These kind of religious leaders are deceptive creatures and tricksters who promotes good to what God has forbidden. 

This spirit comes against your spiritual walk with God. It robs you of your desires by bringing stagnation to your call of God.  Its job is to suffocate and silence you from advancing the kingdom of God. This spirit promotes false religion and hates  your prayer life. This spirit afflicts you through depression . These religious people functioning through this python spirit are never submissive. 

Acts 28:3-6 MSG

Paul pitched in and helped. He had gathered up a bundle of sticks, but when he put it on the fire, a venomous snake, roused from its sleepiness by the heat, struck his hand and held on. Seeing the snake hanging from Paul’s hand like that, the natives jumped to the conclusion that he was a murderer getting what he deserved. Paul shook the snake off into the fire like it was nothing. They kept expecting him to drop dead, but when it was obvious he wasn’t going to, they jumped to the conclusion that he was a god!

Pray this prayer for deliverance 

In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce the spirit of divination that is coming up against me . I ask that you Lord forgive me for my rebellion. I command the python , the witchcraft spirit, and the divination spirit to come out of me Now! In Jesus name

I ask you you fill me with your Holy Spirit fire and I ask you Lord that through your Holy Spirit you renew and strengthen me in Jesus name I pray and I thank you for my deliverance 


The Samaritan Woman

John 4: 1-28

I awoke last night thinking about the Samaritan woman who met with Jesus at the well. She had an appointment with the messiah the savior of the world. The Samaritan woman was a member of a hated mix race. She was known to be living in sin. Jesus did not come to condemn her but to offer her a way to a new beginning. In the mist of her circumstances he showed up. 

The conversation between this woman and Jesus was amazing. Jesus asks her for a drink of water and her response was “ you have nothing to draw the water with “ Jesus response was “ if you only knew the gift of God and who it is that ask you for a drink “ 

See the gift was standing right in front of her.  Jesus was offering himself. Maybe the Samaritan woman didn’t know that to receive this living water you don’t need a cup to draw it because Jesus is the cup that overflows the waters to those who are thirsty. Jesus is the cup. 

Psalm 42: 1 , Isaiah 51:1 , Jeremiah 2: 13 , 17:13 , Zechariah 13:1

The Samaritan woman had a water pot . That water pot could not hold no water because it was broken. So when she would pour water into her water pot the water would never be enough to quench her thirst , but in this story there was an exchange. 

Jesus said give me some of your water and exchange I’ll give you a fountain of living water that you shall never thirst again. The Samaritan woman was opened to receive this water and said to Jesus “ give me this water “  and then the conversation shifts to then him telling her everything about her. He begins to witness to her as he then reveals himself to her. He begins to tell her “ I am he  the living water “  the Messiah  , the Christ . 

The Samaritan woman received the living water and left her water pot. She quickly left and began to witness about Jesus to everyone. Historically the Samaritan woman was the first Christian Evangelist woman to go preach Jesus to everyone that would hear her. She was the first who went out of her way by her own initiative to tell how Jesus changed her life and forgave her sins. 

Wake up Elijah and eat

1 Kings 19:1-4-5

Sometimes God has to put us into a wilderness to regain strength

Elijah’s sin was that he allowed fear to enter his heart and mind. He allowed fear to take place in his life and decision making. Fear became his God and instead of trusting God he doubted . So he allowed fear to bring doubt and once doubt creeped in it caused him to become tired and sleepy because he no longer had a connection with God. 

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

Do not be dismayed- discouraged, dishearted, depressed, oppressed, or despaired

being dismayed causes us to break down the courage within

1 kings 13:1:4-5

while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.

All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat

Elijah pleaded with God and requested to die

He pleaded no more God ENOUGH I’m not strong enough

Elijah layed and slept over a juniper tree

He layed and slept- His consciousness was practically suspended leaving him paralyzed 

Proverbs 6:9

How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep.

When you sleep body has no movement 

To lie down means to give up to surrender

Elijah forgot to trust God because he became to busy feeling sorry for himself

So if you’re in a place where you need to make a decision trust God that he will be faithful and guide you.  Don’t let discouragement or fear paralyze you into a stagnant place out of God’s will. 

God said to Elijah arise and eat . God was offering him a spiritual food. The Lord Jesus said,“Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). The words that proceed out of God’s mouth are food for us to eat. God is not just offering us a physical eating but a spiritual receiving of the Word of God as food. 

What are you feeding my people

I had an encounter with God yesterday and he has told me to let you all know that the food that you have been serving is now expired …..outdated and is no longer widely in use and unfashionable. … and it should not be consumed
You are serving food that is no longer nourishment to the body of Christ. You have been eating and serving expired flows and have been seeing expired information because you have been in a flow that has old boundaries and limits which is causing diving lines between a sacred land, the land promised to you by God. In that land power , self sufficiency and legacy awaits but you’re in a place at this moment of comfort, a place of oppression and it should not be confounded or used for emphasis. This is leading you to complicated directions and is causing confusion and disorder. This place you’re in is a dry place. You must now start to eat fresh food and begin to swim in a fresh river with a fresh flow so you can can again feed my people fresh food.